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Breaking the Cycle

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Overcoming the Fear of Change

Change is a natural part of life, yet many of us find ourselves stuck in familiar and comfortable situations, even if they no longer serve us. We resist change due to fear, uncertainty, and a sense of attachment to what we know. 

However, breaking free from this cycle is essential for personal growth and creating the life we truly desire. In this blog, we will explore the stages of the change cycle and discuss how to overcome the fear of change, ultimately empowering ourselves to embrace transformation. 
Stage 1: Discontent
The journey of change often begins with a growing sense of discontentment in a particular area of our lives. We may tolerate, ignore, or repress the situation because it feels comfortable and familiar. Fear of the unknown holds us back, preventing us from taking the necessary steps toward change.

Stage 2: Breaking Point

Eventually, the level of discontent reaches a tipping point. It can occur through exhaustion or a dramatic event that acts as a catalyst for change. At this breaking point, we can no longer endure the undesirable circumstances, and a shift within us becomes inevitable.

Stage 3: Decision

The decision to change arises from the recognition that we can no longer tolerate the status quo. We declare our readiness to transform and take the first step towards a better future. This initial action provides a glimmer of hope, but it is quickly followed by the next stage, fear.

Stage 4: Fear

As we embark on the path of change, fear sets in. We become uncomfortable and anxious, doubting our decision. The future appears uncertain, and both options—staying in the familiar or embracing change—seem daunting. We feel helpless and empty, struggling with the fear of the unknown.

Stage 5: Amnesia

The fear of change intensifies, leading us to perceive the original situation as less anxiety-inducing than it seemed before. We grow accustomed to the familiarity and comfort of our current circumstances. Additionally, the situation has become part of our identity, making it difficult to let go. We temporarily forget our initial motivation for change.

Stage 6: Backtracking

In this final stage, many people choose to revert to or maintain the status quo. We talk ourselves out of change, succumbing to the allure of the familiar, despite our original intentions. The cycle continues, and we remain stuck, repeating the same patterns.

Breaking the Cycle

To break free from this cycle, we must explore two methods that can initiate change

Extreme Pain

Unfortunately, for some individuals, change only occurs when a severe circumstance forces them to evolve. Major financial loss, job loss, the end of a relationship, or a traumatic event can act as catalysts. These experiences push us beyond our comfort zones, leaving us with no choice but to embrace change.


The other method involves cultivating self-honesty and acknowledging the fears and self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. We must confront the part of ourselves that resists change, that finds comfort in the familiar. This requires humility and a deep understanding of our motivations and attachments. Only when we reach this level of self-awareness can we choose change wholeheartedly.

Self-Honesty Reflection

Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences with the change cycle.

• Have you felt the impact of this cycle in your life?
• Have you experienced change amnesia, forgetting why you desired change in the first place?
• Consider the consequences of not embracing change and remaining in your current situation.
• Are you ready to embrace self-honesty, even if it's challenging, because you're tired of dissatisfaction?
• Are you willing to take responsibility for your life and create the life you dream of having?
• Are you committed to nothing less than what you truly desire?

Understanding the Underlying Reasons

To break the cycle successfully, it's crucial to understand the reasons behind our resistance to change.

Consider the following:
• Do you truly want to change?
• Do you know what you want?

Imagine a life without limitations:
• Is your dream big enough?
• What would you do anything to achieve?
• Are you allowing fear to overshadow your potential?
• Are you attached to your current problems?
• Who would you be without them?
• Are you benefiting from maintaining the status quo?
• What are you holding onto?

Overcoming the fear of change is a transformative process that requires self-reflection, honesty, and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves us.

By breaking the cycle and embracing change, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and the life we truly desire.

Embrace the journey, step into the unknown, and create the future you envision.
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Your life, Your choice. Free-Spirited Coach Jennifer Taylor here to help you gain the choices within life that you desire. Ready to break down society's pressures and find your own path? Let's do this!

Mental Health Advocate | Domestic Abuse Survivor | Exploring Human Behaviour & Wellbeing | Trauma Informed

coach[koh-ch] noun

A person dedicated to bringing the best out of you by encouraging, inspiring and believing.
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